Essential insights into cyber security & compliance for 2023

Leverage real-world data to boost your security & compliance
The 2023 Bulletproof State of Cyber Security Report is out now. In it we’re using real-world data to look at the actual threats business are facing, and what you can do about them. We’re talking about the changes to the threat landscape, how the behaviour of cyber criminals is evolving, and how to leverage threat data for increased efficiency. For a more complete picture we’re also exploring updates and changes in the world of compliance, including GDPR, PCI, ISO 27001, and Cyber Essentials.
Key findings and analysis in the report includes
- What the most common vulnerabilities can tell us about your security strategy
- How security tools themselves can be used by hackers
- Why you’re struggling to meet and maintain ISO compliance
- The top GDPR failures
- How to remediate penetration tests effectively